Tips to Help Balance your Work and School Life

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Tips to Help Balance your Work and School Life

If you want to live on your own, or off campus, chances are that you need to maintain a job. Being in college full time is stressful enough, adding a job can seem undoable. The trick is learning to balance both worlds by staying ahead.


Missing due-dates and important lectures leads to chaos and failure!

* “Always show up,” is a famous quote by our most hated president, Donald Trump, but he’s successful for a reason. Seriously, no matter how tired you are from working the night before, you must show up to class. You never know when a pop quiz or extra credit opportunity will be given 

* Do every single extra credit opportunity. This will give you a slight cushion for when you door poorly on a test or assignment. Even if it’s just 1 or 2 points, you will never regret it.

* At the end of each week, usually Friday, write down due dates for the week to come.

* Trick your mind by making every due date, one day earlier. For example, if you have an assignment due 10/04/17, record in your planner “Assignment due 10/03/17.”

* Set reminders on your phone for when assignments are due.


Paying your bills is necessary, but reducing your costs is possible!

* If possible, schedule your off-work days on the days you have class. This way you can finish your assignments after class while the material is still fresh in your mind.

* Communicate with your employer. If they know you are in college full-time, more often than not, they will be sympathetic and show flexibility.

* Consider living with room-mates to decrease your cost of living.

* Use your campus meal-plan whenever possible to decrease the amount you spend on food. This will save you money and allow you to work less.


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