Study Tips- Yes unfortunately college requires studying

As many students are approaching their first round of tests and mid-terms, it's easy to feel like you're spending more than enough time in the books but not retaining any of the information you read. Here are some studying techniques that we believe are most effective for you to try:

  • Get organized- get your notes in chronological order and take notes on the same type of paper consistently. 
  • Set a schedule- pick a time and place for what, when, and where you're going to study and GO DO IT. We are much more likely to do something if we plan it out. 
  • Ask questions- don't be afraid to speak up in class or email the professor if their it something you don't understand. Take full advantage of them, chances are you are paying them a lot of money to educate you. (I know I am)
  • SLEEP- one of the biggest things is college students think they will be good to go if they stay up all night and cram before a test. Your body cannot recall when it is exhausted and it also creates lag time in your memories retrieval process. 
  • Find a study group- this keeps you accountable for knowing materials and chances are some of your classmates will know information you might now. Quizzing each other creates test like simulations to prepare you.
  • Study with peppermints- I know it sounds crazy, but peppermint oil helps activate your brains memory. Take some to your test so you can remember information better and have fresh breath!
  • Go to the library- chances are you will study for longer periods of time when you are at a place where there is nothing else to get distracted by, like watching tv at home.
  • Eat healthy- your body not only feels better but preforms better when you feed it food filled with nutrition and vitamins and not sugar. 
  • Turn lessons into stories- everybody likes to read a good story, not only do stories entertain us, they help us to understand and memorize key details. 
  • And most importantly....... Be positive- you can't ace a test that you expect to fail. Creating a positive environment gives you peace of mind and prepares you to kick your exam in the butt!

Remember everyone studies and succeeds in different ways, try out a few methods and see which ones work best for you and comment and tell us your favorite tips!

Image result for college girls studying


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I like to make flash cards, it's an easy way to quiz yourself.

    1. That is a great way to study! Also something you can pass down to your friends who take that class in the future.


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