Study Abroad

Many stigmas come along with the idea of studying abroad; that you can't afford it, that you'll get behind in classes, or that you'll miss out on things going on at home. But I promise none of that is true!

I studied abroad this summer between my freshman and sophomore year in Austria for two months. I was able to take 9 credit hours and it actually cost LESS than it would have for me to take three summer classes at my university, that's including tuition, flights, and rent! I know that seems impossible, but tuition in European Union is extremely cheap compared to in America, and there are so many scholarships people do not take advantage of! Because of studying during the summer, I am actually going to graduate early.

Studying and traveling throughout Europe was the best two months of my life, and I encourage everyone to do it. It's easy to get started, just email or walk in to your abroad advising office just like I did. It will transform your how you see the world, but it will also give you diverse experience that employers are looking for!

Talk to your advisor today to see what options are available for you!

Studying aka eating gelato in Innsbruck, Austria


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